Greater Purpose logo

It is always a joy to work with a client representing a cause you believe in, and that was certainly the case when we partnered with Greater Purpose.

Still in its early stages, Greater Purpose aims to inspire hope and bring a sense of purpose to those facing long-term incarceration. By forming strategic partnerships with correctional facilities, businesses, and aligned organizations, they provide access to gainful employment and vital resources.

Using the inspired idea of “igniting hope,” we built a visual identity that incorporated subtle references to that flame and the upward trajectory of the inmate’s lives.

A Clean Slate

Since Greater Purpose was a newly formed organization, this project represented an opportunity to build an identity without the baggage of existing visuals to contend with.

No Heavy Hands

While the founders obviously wanted to inspire hope, they also knew who their potential partners would be. To gain access to improve the lives of inmates, it was necessary to gain buy-in from government and facility officials as well as potential business partners. On the whole, those audiences aren’t fans of flowery language or logos, even when the topic is hope.

Greater Purpose logos
Greater Purpose Standards